Common Questions.
Amazing Answers.

You have questions. We have answers. Below is a list of our most common questions and our absolutely amazing (and very helpful) answers. Feel free to send us a message if you have any additional questions we did not answer. We are always available for you and appreciate your interest in Lifeskills Unlimited.

Lifeskills Unlimited

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What types of services does LifeSkills Unlimited offer?

There are two types of support for residential services. Intensive Supported Living Arrangement and Intermittent or In-Home Supported Living Arrangement.  Intensive Services are 24-hour level supports.  Intermittent or In-Home Services can be regular days of the week or hours in a month, but may not require supports daily.  It will always depend on the needs of the Individual. 

How does our family choose a provider? How do we get services for a family member?

LifeSkills works directly with the Regional Centers under the Aging and Disabilities Division. We do not take private pay or private placements in our residential settings.  Individuals eligible for state-supported services work with one of the Regional Centers and during that intake, several options are provided based on the needs of the Individual.

What kind of shifts do we offer?

There are many different shifts throughout the entire company. Hours of staffing needs are based on the skills and abilities of the individual identified by their support team. Some residential settings require 24/7 scheduling. Jobs and Day Training Programs in Carson City ONLY provide services Monday – Friday.

What is it that we do?

We provide training and guidance to Individuals with Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities. Each person will have unique needs and require our support in different ways.  If you think about all the skills you use in your daily life, then you will have an initial understanding of what we do.  Think of all the steps in making a sandwich for lunch.  If you wrote out all the steps of everything you needed to do — that list is a lot longer than you realize.  We do our best to guide our Individuals through those steps of daily living and encourage them when things get tough.  Watch our video above to learn more. 

What is the work environment like?

Our services are performed in a home, in an apartment, or in the home of a family for residential support services. The homes are generally single-story structures and may have one or two small steps.  We do have an office in North Las Vegas and Carson City for Administration.  Finally, there is our Jobs and Day Training site in Carson City — which is in a retail/commercial setting. 

What experience is necessary?

As a Certified Provider, we have specific training requirements provided to all employees which include how we provide supports, assist people to maintain their residential settings, and document the important work we do. Prior experience can be valuable but is not required.

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